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Intâlnire CodeCamp la Cluj-Napoca - 24 martie 2012

Si iată ca am pregătit un eveniment de primăvara pentru dezvoltatorii din Cluj-Napoca. Va așteptam pe toți în 24 martie, de la ora 9:45, la Grand Hotel Napoca în sala Ambasador.
Participarea la eveniment este gratuita. Mulțumim în special sponsorilor pentru susținere.


Sosirea participanților
Globally distributed DNS service with Windows Azure's Traffic Manager
Mihai Nadăș
Windows Azure Traffic Manager is a load balancing solution that enables the distribution of incoming traffic among different hosted services in your Windows Azure subscription, regardless of their physical location. . In this session an introduction to the Traffic Manager service from the Windows Azure suite will be presented, covering performance, disaster recovery and upgrade and testing scenarios.
Good Unit Tests Ask For Quality Code
Florin Coros
The greatest benefit you will gain by writing good unit
tests is the quality of your code design. Good unit tests put a high pressure on refactoring your code to be testable, resulting maintainable, extensible and reusable code. This will increase your team efficiency. In this talk I will show what good unit tests mean, how to write them and I will briefly exemplify how unit tests ask for better code.
Pauza de masa
ASP.NET MVC 3 - Bad practices
Radu Vunvulea
An overview over the most common bad practices in ASP.NET MVC 3. In this session we will discuss about some mistakes that are made in an ASP.NET MVC 3 applications and what we can do to avoid them.
How to create easily Workflows and present with Visio in SharePoint 2010
Veres Levente
Today SharePoint is one of the most used collaboration platform.  It's like a Swiss Knife, but small group of people can use very efficiently all possibilities inside SharePoint . In this presentation i would like to present a modality to create OOB Workflow, add some complexity for the approval process with multiple roles. Finally using the Visio Services i would like to add a little Business Intelligence and presents  in one "BIG Picture"  the summary of the all process, the distribution on departments and status of the approvals. 
Building elastic, autoscalable solutions with Windows Azure
Mihai Tataran
This session is based on the experience learned from “Building Elastic and Resilient Cloud Applications” book from Microsoft Patterns and Practices – where the session speaker had a chance to provide feedback both on the book draft and also from solutions in operations after the book was completed. Do you have predictable usage patterns of your Windows Azure application?  Do you want to automatically scale (up/down) when load changes? Do you want to really optimize your Cloud costs? Then this session is for you.

Pentru mai multe informații
  • Radu Vunvulea
    • 0766562375
  • Mihai Nadăș
    • 0742117996


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